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Banco de setas / seta / Psathyrella fulvescens (Romagn.) A.H. Sm.


Psathyrella fulvescens (Romagn.) A.H. Sm.

Diagnosis fuente:  FUNGI NON DELINEATI - Pars XXVI - Rare and interesting species of Psathyrella Eef Arnolds - Ed. Candusso - I ALASSIO - (SV) 200
Pileus 18-33 mm broad, 10-14 mm high, conico-convex, then planoconvex to almost flattened, with broad umbo, hygrophanous, when moist reddish brown (K. & W. 7D6), to the margin slightly paler, translucently striate up to the centre, on drying becoming very pale flesh-coloured, but at centre retaining warm orange-ochre colour for some time, in the end uniformly coloured, smooth, Veil moderately developed, fugacious, leaving a narrow zone of whitish fibrils on margin of pileus in young basidiocarps, often also some fugacious fibrils on lower half of stipe. Lamellae, L = 20-24, | = 1-3(-7), moderately crowded, adnate, often with decurrent tooth, up to 5 mm broad, not or slightly ventricose, pale grey-brown at first, then reddish brown with concolorous edge, not red underlined, with brown trama. Stipe28-35 x 3-4 mm, cylindrical, not rooting, fistulose, entirely white at first, silvery white striate lengthwise, at apex pruinose, soon without veil remains. Context concolorous with surface, alongside cavity of stipe pale brownish orange, fragile. Smell weak, not distinctive. Spore print not recorded. 
Spores 7.0-10.5 x 4,0-5.5 jum, on the average 7.9-8.7 x 4.4-4.8 um, Q=(1.5-)1.6-1.9, not flattened, ellipsoid-oblong to subamygdaliform or phaseoliform, dark red-brown in ammonia (Mu. 10 YR 3/4) with indistinct apical pore. Basidia 20-28(-36) x 8.0-10 pum, 4-spored. Lamella edge heterogeneous, made up of scattered to numerous pleurocystidioid cheilocystidia, 47-67 x12-19 um, lageniform, gradually tapering into long, obtuse neck, 4.5-7.5 um broad, sometimes with mucoid deposits near apex, intermixed with some spheropedunculate and clavate cells, 16-30 x 8.0-14 um. Pleurocystidia numerous, 50-73(-84) x 13-16(-21) pm, lageniform like cheilocystidia but slightly larger, with long, tapering, obtuse to subacute neck, 5.5-7.0(-9.5) um broad, sometimes with mucoid deposits near apex. Pileipellis an epithelioid hymeniderm, made up of clavate and spheropedunculate cells, 18-65 x 14-45 «um, with thin, pale yellow wall. Stipitipellis a cutis, made up of parallel, hyaline hyphae, 2.0-7.0 um broad, at apex with few clusters of caulocystidia. Caulocystidia predominantly globose to clavate, 7.5-25 x 6.0-16 pum, intermixed with scattered pleurocystidioid caulocystidia, 53-70 x 9.0-15 um, lageniform with neck 4.0-5.5 um broad. Clamp-connections present. 
Collection depicted - THE NETHERLANDS, Drenthe, Beilen, Holthe, ‘Schepping’, attached to twigs in young forest on humose, acidicloam.