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Banco de setas / seta / Psathyrella hydrophiloides Kits van Wav.


Psathyrella hydrophiloides Kits van Wav.

Diagnosis fuente: file:///C:/Users/Jose%20Ignacio/Desktop/SETASDEMETRIO/PersooniaSuplementVol2/Paginas/Pagina178.htm
     Cap at maturity up to 45 mm, convex with depressed centre, fleshy and firm, not striate, with slightly wavy and indented margin, dark reddish brown (Mu, 2.5 YR 3/2), hygrophanous, drying out to fairly dark yellow (Mu. 10 YR 8/6, 7/6, but slightly more sordid greyish), darker at centre. Veil scanty, forming white velar fibrils along margin of cap and garland-like distinct remnants half-way on stem. Gills 6 mm broad, not crowded, slightly ventricose in the middle, strongly ascending near stem, narrowly adnexed, dark reddish brown (Mu. 5 YR3/3) with + concolorous, minutely fimbriate edge. Stem 30 x 6 mm (at base 7), cylindrical, not rooting, very pale brown, base covered by dense, downy, whitish mycelial layer but not strigose, hollow (cavity 3 mm wide); surface very delicately fibrillose, at apex distinctly sulcate. Flesh of cap firm, relatively thick (2.5 mm in centre) dark greyish brown, in stem very pale brown, taste and smell indistinctive. Trama of ‘washed’ gill dark yellowish brown from brownish yellow (10 YR 6/4, 6/6, 5/6), anastomosing strands, running from base tod ege through the in itself pale brown (Mu. 10 YR 6/3, 7/2) tissue, near edge pale brown. Spore print very dark purplish brown.

     Spo 5—r6.5 ex s3-3 .5 xm (mean values 5.9 x 3.5 um: 1 collein cfacte iviewo enlli)pso,id tc slightly ovoid, in profile ellipsoid, adaxially flattened, rarely slightly phaseoliform, in wate: and NH,OH 10% brownish yellow (Mu. 10 YR 6/6), in KOH 5% sordid yellowish brown (Mu. 10 YR 5/6), subopaque, with conspicuous subtruncate germ pore (1—1.5 ym) and small hilar appendix. Basidia 14.5—17.5 x 5—5.5 um, subcylindrical, 4-spored. Pleurocystidia37,5-47.5 x 7.5—12.5 um, not numerous, utriform, only a few fusoid-ellipsoid, with narrow and distinct pedicel, thin-veryw paale lbrlown eind N,H,O H 10%. Marginal cells: fusoid-ellipsoid, rarely utriform cheilocystidia 22.5—30(—35) x 7.5—11 ym, fairly numerous, nowhere densely packed, with short and broad pedicel, many very pale brown in NH,OH10% (some distinctly brown), intermixed with numerous small spheropedunculate cells, 12.5—25 x 6-10 ym (rarely larger, up to 27.5 x 15 pm), several of which pale brown in NH,OH 10%. Hymenophoral trama in NH,OH 10% sub micr.: narrow hyphae of subhy.- meniuimn a 15 pm broad zone along edge very brown and broad hyphae pale brown from membranal pigment; yellow hyphal septa present, encrustations absent. Pilcipellis a 2—3 cells deep layer of subglobose thick-walled cells, 25-55 yum diam., distinctly pale brown in NH,OH 10
HABITAT & DISTRIBUTION. — Found terrestrial under Fagus, solitary.