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Banco de setas / seta / Psathyrella infida Quél.


Psathyrella infida Quél.

Diagnosis Fuente: PERSOONIA - Suplement - Vol. 2 - THE DUTCH, FRENCH AND BRITISH SPECIES OF PSATHYRELLA - 1985 E. KITS VAN WAVEREN - Rijksherbarium, Leiden, The Nederlands
     Cap 6-17 mm, at first campanulate-conical, distinctly umbonate, later campanulate-convex, not entirely plane and not acute conical but more or less umbonate, at margin obtusely deflexed but not incurved, later coarsely grooved, slightly wavy, very dark brown ochre with very faint reddish hue, hygrophanous, fading to brownish cream, slightly more ochre at umbo with an incarnate hue at margin, when moist fairly dull, when dry vaguely to distinctly rugulose, scarcely micaceous. Veil enveloping entire primordium, later as white fibrils, rugulose, scarcely micaceous. Veil enveloping entire primordium, later as white fibrils, scattered in marginal area of cap and remaining on stem. Gills 2.5—4 mm broad, at maturity relatively distant (13-18 large gills), broadly adnate, slightly uncinate, more or less segmentiform, subtriangular, brown, later tobacco brown; edge white, slightly underlined with red, Stem 20—40 x 0.7—2 mm, subflexuous, cylindrical, with small bulb at base, sometimes slightly attenuated below bulb, hollow, relatively distinctly coloured, dark reddish brown but without a reddish hue as in P. picta, fading at maturity and rapidly becoming hyalin or pale yellow at apex, remaining with a reddish hue lower down, in the beginning striate with silvery fibrils, later smooth, particularly towards apex, finally polished all over except base with white adpressed mycelium. Flesh in centre fairly thick, reddish brown when moist, pale brown when dry. Trama of ‘washed’ gill very distinctly brown, particularly in basal half. Spore print not recorded.
Spores 11.5—12.5 x 6.5(—7) um (mean values 12.1 x 6.5 um: 1 collection), ellipsoid but adaxially flattened, in water red (Mu. 2.5 YR 3/6), in NH,OH 10% dark brown (Mu. 5 YR4/3, 4/4), in KOH 5% sordid brown (Mu. 10 YR 3/3, 3/4), opaque to subopaque, with distinct germ pore (+ 1.8 um) and small hilar appendix. Basidia 17.5-22.5 x 11-12.5 um, spheropedunculate, 4-spored (one 1-spored basidium seen). Pleurocystidia 47.5—70 x 12.5—15 um, scarce, sublageniform, subfusiform with short or fairly long subcylindrical neck passing gradually into cell body (‘prona-type’), with subacute apex, thin-walled, colourless. Marginal cells (according to Romagnesi): predominantly claviform cells, 23-35 x 11-—15 pm. Hymenophoral trama (according to Romagnesi) very distinctly pigmented (but less than in P. picta); hyphae 7.5—22 um. Pileipellis (acc. to Romagnesi) composed of globose, subglobose or vesiculose claviform cells 20-40 x 17-36 um.
HABITAT & DISTRIBUTION. —- Damp cart-tracks in deciduous woods, spring and summer, rare in France, not recorded from the Netherlands. and the British Isles.