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Banco de setas / seta / Psathyrella prona f. picta (Romagn.) Kits van Wav.


Psathyrella prona f. picta (Romagn.) Kits van Wav.

Diagnosis fuente: FUNGI OF SWITZERLAND 4 - Agarics 2nd part J. Breitenbach/F. Kränzlin - Edition Mykologia Lucerne
Solitary to gregarious inside and outside forests, alongside paths and roads, on soil among grasses and herbs. Summer-fall.
Macroscopic features
Pileus 5-15 (20) mm across, hemispheric-conic when young, later convex to somewhat plane, with an obtuse umbo, surface smooth to slightly radially wrinkled, hygrophanous, dark purple- to blackbrown and translucent-striate almost to the center when moist, light cinnamon-brown when dry, margin acute, slightly undulating, with occasional whitish velar fibrils when young. Flesh cream-colored to brownish, thin, odorless, taste mild, not distinctive. Lamellae whitish when young, then gray-brown to black-brown, broad, L = 17-19, | = 1-5, broadly adnate with a small decurrent tooth, edges whitish-ciliate and underlined with red. Stipe 25-50 (60) x1-2 mm, cylindrical, hollow, stiff, surface smooth, light brown, dark brown and slightly longitudinally white-fibrillose toward the base, apex white-powdered.
Microscopic features
A: Spores elliptical, smooth, dark red-brown, with a germ pore, 12-16 x 6,5-7.9 pm; Q: 1.82.1; Vin: 399; spp. violet-black.
B: Basidia clavate, 26-32 x 10-14 ym, with 4 sterigmata and occasionally with a basal clamp.
C: (C1) Cheilocystidia fusiform-lageniform, 35-70 x 9-17 um, with interspersed pyriform cells; (C2) pleurocystidia similar, 40-75 x 12~22 um,
D: Pp composed of subglobose to pyriform cells 20-45 x 15-40 pm, colorless, no clamps seen.