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Banco de setas / seta / Clitocybe subbulbipes Murrill


Clitocybe subbulbipes Murrill

Fuente de la foto: FLORA AGARICINA NEERLANDICA - VOLUME 3 - Tricholomataceae (2) C. Bas, Th.W. Kuyper, M.E. Noordeloos & E.C. Vellinga. Illust. R.Van Crevel & J. Van Os - A.A.
      Pileus 7-17 mm, convex to plano-convex, finally applanate to very slightly depressed, hygrophanous, not to slightly striate, yellowish isabella , pallescent on drying to whitish, smooth, glabrous, but aeriferous at outermost margin (2 mm). Lamellae, L = 30-35, 1 =3-7, thin, very crowded, to 3 mm broad, adnate to slightly decurrent, slightly paler than pileus or with faint pink tinge, with entire, concolorous edge. Stipe 8-16 x 1-2.5 mm, equal to slightly swollen below (3 mm), stuffed, becoming fistulose, concolorous with pileus, glabrous, when young minutely acriferous-fibrill. Coonsteex.t hygrophanous, concolorous with surface. Smell faint, slightly agreeable. Spores prhint .whi te.
     Spores 4.5-5.5 (-6.0) x 3.5-4.5 um, Q = (1.2-)1.3-1.5, Q = 14, smooth, not congophilous, not cyanophilous, in exsiccates all single, with obtuse base. Basidia 17-24 x 5-6 um, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia absent. Trama regular, with colourless hyphae, 3-13 um wide. Pileipa edryl lcutiiss o f parato linlteerwolve n hyphae, 3-8 jum, with slightly thickned walls, with pigment intracellular and minutely incrusting. Clamp-connpreesecntt ait aoll nsespta .
HABIT& ADISTTR . — On wood of living Sambuacnd uAscer . Very rare, known from a few localities (Tholen, Leeuwarden, Zandvoort,

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