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Banco de setas / seta / Mycena juniperina Aronsen


Mycena juniperina Aronsen

Vesión original:
Scattered or in small groups on (sometimes moss covered) bark of living Juniperus communis, mostly the prostrate type along the coast. Also collected on Juniperus excelsa and J. oxycedrus and very rarely on other hosts. 
Pileus 2.5-8 mm across, hemispherical to parabolical, finally convex, occasionally somewhat depressed in the centre or with a small papilla, conspicuously sulcate, pruinose to white-puberulous or even somewhat flocculose, pale brown or yellowish brown, often darker in the centre, with the margin paler to white. Flesh very thin, whitish. Odour not distinct or somewhat acidulous. Taste mild, not distinct. Lamellae (7-)10-12 reaching the stipe, fairly broad, somewhat ascending or arcuate to subhorizontal, the edge concave to convex, broadly adnate with a decurrent tooth, sometimes decurrent far down the stipe, pale yellowish grey or beige with the edge white-pruinose. Stipe 3-5 x c. 0,5 mm, equal or somewhat widened below the lamellae, and sometimes also towards the base, terete, curved, cartilaginous, fistulose, pruinose to puberulous, beige to pale brown, the base attached to the substratum with a patch of radiating, fine whitish fibrils.
Basidia 33-40 x 11-13.5 um, clavate, 4-spored, clamped, with sterigmata up to 8 um long. Spores 8.8-12.3 x 8.1-10.5 um, Q 1.0-1.3, Qav ~ 1.1, subglobose to globose, smooth, amyloid. Cheilocystidia 22-40 x 7-11,5 um, forming a sterile band (lamellar edge homogenous), clavate, covered with unevenly spaced, simple to branched, curved to tortuous, often irregularly shaped excrescences, 2-23 x 0,7-1,5 um, clamped. Pleurocystidia absent. Lamellar trama dextrinoid, brownish vinescent in Melzer's reagent. Hyphae of the pileipellis 1,8-11,5 um wide, clamped, with cylindrical, often curved, simple to branched excrescences which may grow to coralloid masses. Hyphae of the cortical layer of the stipe 1,5-3,8 um wide, with cylindrical excrescences 1-6 x 1,5 um, clamped, terminal cells abundant, 23-43 um long, clavate, variously diverticulate.