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Banco de setas / seta / Hemimycena cephalotricha (Joss. ex Redhead) Singer -


Hemimycena cephalotricha (Joss. ex Redhead) Singer -

Descripción original 
Description: Pileus | 7 mm broad, almost hemispherical when young, then convex to conical-convex, almost applanate to slightly depressed at centre when old, inflexed to slightly involute at margin, hygrophanous, white, often with slight cream tinge; slightly radially rugulose to almost smooth, slightly hygrophanous, white, often with slight cream tinge; slightly radially rugulose to almost smooth, slightly tomentose to tomentose-pubescent under lens. Lamellae distant, L ~ 8 10,1 ~ 0-1 (2), well developed, reaching the pileus margin, broadly adnate to shortly decurrent, rather thick, white, with white, pubescent edge. Stipe 2-10 x 0.5—0.7 mm, central, cylindrical, sometimes slightly broadened at apex, not broadened at base. sometimes curved, hyaline, white, entirely finely pubescent-hairy, with distinet basal mycelium (mycelium also covering substrate around stipe base). Context thin, white. Smell and taste indistinet. Spores 6.5—9.2 x 4.0-5.4 (5.8) tum, E = 1.4-2.0,Q = 1,5- 1.8, broadly limoniform to amygdaliform, thin-walled. Basidia 215-23 x 6,9-8.5 jum, 4-spored, clavate to subcylindrical. Basidioles 10.0-24.5 x 3,0-8,5 jum, clavate to (sub)cylindrical. Cheiloeystidia 27—38.5 (53) « 4.0-6.9 jum, cylindrical-flexuous with (sub)capitate apex to more or less tibiiform with 3.5-6.0 jum wide capitulum, thine, rarely with slightly thickened wall. Hymenophoral trama made up of thin-walled, cylindrical, fusiform or ellipsoid clements, up to 15 jum wide. Pileipellis a cuotf riadisall y arranged, + thin-, or slightly thickwalled, smooth or diverticulate, up to 7.5 pum wide hyphae; projections up to 15 x 1.5 um, digitate, often irregulaorr branched, obtuse. Pileoeystidia numerous, 23-45 x (2.3) 3.15.5 wm, cylindrical to(sub)lageniform, with capitate, 3.8-8.5 jum wide apex, often irregularly Hexuous, + thine to irregularly Hexuous, + thine to slightly slightly(sub)lageniform, with capitate, 3.8-8.5 jum wide apex, often thick-walled, sometimes with digitate projections in basal part. Stipitipellis a cutis of parallel, cylindrical, slightly thick-walled, up to 7.5 wm wide hyphae. Caulocystidia 21-32 x jim, + cylindrical to (sub)lageniform, often moniliform, and capitate with 3,1 7,0 (8.0) jem wide capitulum, sometimes with digitate projections in basal part, or + cylindrical, irregular, Nexuous to coralloid, slightly thick-walled, Clamp-connections present. Chemical reactions: Neither spores nor all tissues amyloid or dextrinoid., Ecology: Saprotrophic, on strongly decayed wood of Quercus (Q. ilex, QO, suber and QO. robur), rarely of Fagus, once found on Jwriperus phoenicea(?), but substrate not always clearly specified; on acid and calcareous soil, probably with a preference to thermophilous oak forests.

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