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Banco de setas / seta / Hemimycena ochrogaleata (J. Favre) M.M. Moser -


Hemimycena ochrogaleata (J. Favre) M.M. Moser -

Descripción original 
Description: Pileus 5—12 mm broad, hemispherical, campanulate or convex with or without small umbo, finally flattened or concave with slightly depressed centre, somewhat hygrophanous, when moist slightly transparently striate, ochraceous-yellow, then ochraceous brownish, sometimes darker brown at centre, glabrous, dull. Lamellae distant or subdistant, L = 14 26,1 | (3), areuate-decurrent, narrow, thickish, dorsally intervenose, sometimes furcate towards supe, white with entire, concolorous narrow, thickish, dorsally intervenose, sometimes furcate towards supe, white with entire, concolorous edge. Stipe 15 45 mm x 0.5—2 mm, solid, subeylindrical, slightly broadened towards base or towards apex, white or with ochraceous hue, minutely pubescent in apical part, rarely over whole length, glabrous in lower part. Context ochraceous-yellowish in upper part of pileus, white in other parts. Smell weak or herbaceous, some authors report a small like Pelargonium or Melissa. Spores 8.0-11 «4.5 5.5 (6.0) jum, E = 1.7-2.1, Q= 1.9. broadly fusiform to amygdaliform, thin-walled, Spores 8.0-11 «4.5 5.5 (6.0) jum, E = 1.7-2.1, Q= 1.9. broadly fusiform to amygdaliform, thin-walled, hyaline, Basidia 25-32 x 7.5-9.5 jim, 4-spored, clavate. Basidioles 13— 30 x 3.09.0 jim, clavate, hyaline, Basidia 25-32 x 7.5-9.5 jim, 4-spored, clavate. Basidioles 13— 30 x 3.09.0 jim, clavate, subtusoid, cylindrical. Cheilocystidia 26-37 x 3.5 4.6 tum, narrowly lageniform to often irregularly shaped or submoniliform, obtuse, thin-walled. Trama made up of up to 20 jum wide cylindrical to inflated elements with smooth walls. Pileipellis a cutis of radially arranged, cylindrical, + slightly thickwalled, + congophohe, diverticulate, 2-5 jum wide hyphae; diverticulae digitate, mostly small, mixed with scattered larger ones, up to 10,0 x 2.0 um. Pileoeystidia absent. Stipitipellis a cutis of parallel, cylindrical, smooth, slightly thick-walled, up to 5 jum wide hyphac. Caulocystidia (apex) numerous, 15 42 x 3,0-6.5 pum, cylindneal, narrowly clavate, lageniform with attenuate apex, slightly awl-shaped, sometimes branched, slightly thick-walled, Clamp-connections present in all tissues, Chemical reactions: Neither spores nor tissues amyloid or dextrinoid, Ecology: Saprophytic or possible parasitic, in groups or fascicles, on roots or on decaying remnants of Cirsium spinosissimum, FAVRE (1955) found it along rivulets without mentioning a Cirsium species, probably also wood remnants, in alpine habitats. According to SUNN-IRLET (1993) it is characterictic far the Givifherron.f prieehim tivo? voaptatinn tune in thie Gussie Aime far the Givifherron.f prieehim tivo? voaptatinn tune in thie Gussie Aime