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Banco de setas / seta / Hemimycena candida (Bres.) Singer -


Hemimycena candida (Bres.) Singer -

Descripción original 
Description: Pileus 3—20 min broad, hemispherical to convex, with blunt, rarely minutely umbonate centre, expanding with age to applanate, with slightly depressed centre, with deflexed then straight, crenulate, finally sometimes reflexed margin, hygrophanous, when moist translucently striate at margin or even deeply so, almost to centre, white, hyaline, very finely pubescent to subtomentose (lens). Lamellae moderately distant to distant, L. = 17 22,1=0 2, deeply decurrent, narrow, arcuate, welldeveloped, reaching the margin of the pileus, white, with concolorous, finely pubescent edge. Stipe (15) 20-48 (70) x 0.7-1.2 mm, relatively long and slender, cylindrical, slightly broadened at apex, not broadened or only slightly broadened at base, purely white, entirely finely pubescent (lens), usually with basal radiating strigose hairs at base, running over substratum. Context thin, white. Smell indistinct. Taste mild or slightly bitter. Spores $.0--10.5 (11) x (3.1) 4.0-5.0 pum, E = 1.8—2.6, Q = 2.1, fusiform or limoniform to sublacrymoid, thin-walled, hyaline. Basidia 24 27 « 6.09.0 (10.0) tum, 4-spored, clavate. Basidioles 12-26 x2,5-8.0 jum, cylindrical to clavate. Cheiloeystidia (19) 24 31 « 3.0) 10 ptm, awl-shaped to (sub)lageniform, rostrate, obtuse, often slightly irregular to submoniliform, slightly thick-walled. Context made up of cylindrical, up to 16 pam wide, short-celled, thin-walled, hyaline hyphae. Pileipellis a cutis made up of radially arranged, + thin-walled. weakly diverticulate, up to 6 um wide hyphae; diverticulae0.73.0 um wide, scattered to frequent, digitate. Pileoeystidia | 1.5—25.5 x 2.3-3.8 tum, clavate to subfusoid, obtuse, often slightly irregular. Subpileipellis regular, made up of up to 25 jum cylindrical, wide. inflated clements. Stipitipellis a cutis of parallel, cylindrical, slightly thick-walled, smooth, up to 1.5—7 pin wide, Caulocystidia (apex) 14-31 x 2.3-5.0 tum, (sub)lageniform, subutriform, awlshaped, clavate or cylindrical, often irregular, obtuse, rarely branched, often slightly thick-walled. Clamp-conneetions present in all tissues, Chemical reactions: Neither spores nor Ussues amyloid or dextrinoid. Ecology: Saprotrophic or parasitic: in groups or caespitose on decaying corms and stem-bases of Symphyvnim officinale, often on moist, fertile soil, also found also on cultivated S. asperum ina garden.