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Banco de setas / seta / Hemimycena pithyophila Malençon ex A. Ortega & Esteve-Rav. -


Hemimycena pithyophila Malençon ex A. Ortega & Esteve-Rav. -

Descripción original 
Deseription |[Macroscopical description in part based on MALENCON & BERTAULT (1975) and LONATI(1989)]: Carpophores purely white, sometimes with yellowish tinge. Pileus very small, 2-4 mm(1989)]: Carpophores purely white, sometimes with yellowish tinge. Pileus very small, 2-4 mm broad, globose at first, then ovoid to hemispherical, expanding to campanulate, finally convex, with broad, globose at first, then ovoid to hemispherical, expanding to campanulate, finally convex, with obtuse to slightly umbonate centre, with inflexed then straight, finally erenulate margin, hygrophanous, slightly translucently striate at margin, white, sometimes with yellowish tinge, dull, glabrous, slightly translucently striate at margin, white, sometimes with yellowish tinge, dull, glabrous, Lamellac distant, L- 4-10,1- 1(2), decurrent, triangular, well-developed, reaching the pileus margin, white with concave entire, concolorous edge. Stipe 6-20 x 0.5 mm, cylindrical, stender, slightly broadened at base but never bulbous, white, hyaline, shortly hairy, with rbizoids at base. Context white, slightly translucent. Smell and taste indistinet. Spores 10.5-12 (13) x 4.0-5,2 pm, L= 2.3-3.1,0 — 2.6, cylindrical, lacrymoid, sublusiform, hyaline, smooth, often in tettads or in pairs. Basidia 18-28 x 8.0-10.5 pm, 2-, rarely 4-spored, clavate, Cheiloceystidia and pleuroeystidia absent. Trama made up of cylindrical to inflated, up to 20 pm wide, thin-walled hyphae, Pilcipellis a cutis of eylindrical, radially arranged, not gelatinised, slightly thiek-walled, smooth to diverticulate, up to 5 pm wide hyphae: diverticulae up to 12 x 1.5-4.0 um, + digitate; terminal elements or pileocystidia (frequent especially near the pileus margin) 20-35 x5.0-10,0 um, adpressed to erect, clavate, subfusoid, subeylindrical, irregular to coralloid, often with projections. Stipitipellis a cutis of parallel, cylindrical, slightly thick-walled, up to 5.0 pm wide hyphae. Caulocystidia 12-36 x 4,0-8.0 um, clavate, (sub) cylindrical, often capitate, slightly thick-walled, 
Caulocystidia 12-36 x 4,0-8.0 um, clavate, (sub) cylindrical, often capitate, slightly thick-walled, hyaline, sometimes in clusters. Champ-connections absent in all tissues. Chemical reactions: Neither spores nor tissues amyloid or dextrinoid. Ecology: Saprotrophic; in groups, single or fasciculate on needles and other debris of Pinus halepensis and P. pinea, and on remnants of Abies pinsapo, Cistus albidus, Ulex baeticus and U. parviflorus (ORTEGA etal. 1996; ORTEGA et al, 2000).