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Banco de setas / seta / Hemimycena nitriolens (Valla) Antonín & Noordel. -


Hemimycena nitriolens (Valla) Antonín & Noordel. -

Descripción original 
Description: Basidiocarps entirely white, not fragile, with a supe. which ts very long in comparison with the minuscule pilcus. Pileus | 3 (4) mm broad, membranaceous, subhemispherical then broadly conical to plano-convex, with involute then deflexed margin, always with a relatively large pointed umbo, oflen very irregularly shaped, translucently striate when moist, white, often somewhat wrinkled to grooved, pruinose under lens, sometimes exuding small droplet, like in //, mauretanica, Lamellae, L.=0 3-5(7),1= 0-2, strongly reduced, sometimes absent, normally only vein-like, not reaching the margin, rarely complete, rarely forked. white, with entire edge, Stipe 4-15 x 0.2-0.5 mm, cylindricalwith broadened base, white hyaline, under lens with fine pruinum, at base with white to brownish rhizoids. Context very thin. Smell nitrous though not always very distinct. Taste unknown, Spores 6.0-8.0 (10) x (1.5) 2.0 4.0 im, E > 3,0-4,0, Q = 3.4, narrowly ellipsoid to cylindrical, thin-walled. Basidia [5—23 (30) x 3.0—7.0 um, 4-spored, clamped. Basidioles subcylindrical, Hymenial cystidia absent. Pileipellis a cutis made up of radially arranged diverticulate hyphae: elements30 80 x 3.0-5.0 tum wide; diverticulae 1.0-6.0 tm wide. Pileocystidia absent. Stipitipellis a cutis of diver-ticulate hyphae; diverticulae very irregular, 1-9 x 1—2.5 jum. Caulocystidia 14-25 x 5-8 jim, thin-walled, irregularly shaped, often more or less lageniform, with blunt apex, sometimes slightly coralloid with few diverticulae, Clamp-connections present. Chemical reactions: Neither spores nor tissues amyloid or dextrinoid, Ecology: Saprotrophic on rotten leaves of Beru/a in subalpine habitat (type). Also found on litter of Fagus and Quercus in forest.