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Banco de setas / seta / Hemimycena substellata (Kühner) Antonín & Noordel. -


Hemimycena substellata (Kühner) Antonín & Noordel. -

Descripciopn original 
Descripción: pileus hemispherical then convex, finally only slightly depressed, purely white, slightly sulcate with age, densely shortly pubescent (lens). Lamellae distant, LT. 5-13, 1 — 0-1, adnate to subdecurrent, arcuate, sometimes forked, not plicate, reaching the margin oft©he pileus in most specimens, purely white with concolorous edge. Stipe 2-11 (14) x 0,2-0.6 mm, subequal, slightly swollen at base, white, densely pruinose over whole length, with longer hairs towards base, but base not distinetly strigose. Spores 5.0-7.5 x 2.7-4.0) pm, E — 1,55-2.2,0 = 1.9-2.0, very bluntly ellipsoid, sometimes short, then more elongate, ellipsoid to eylindrical, sometimes suboval. Basidia 4-spored, clavate. Lamella edge cither fertile or with numerous attanuate-fagelliform cheilocystidia with swollen base, 20-45 x10-12 x 1.0 pm. Pileipellis a cutis, made up of diverticulate hyphace with short diverticulae, with over the whole surface narrow, thin-walled pilcocystidia, 37-50 x 1.3 2.0 pim; subpellis made up ofelongate, radially arranged, 11-19 um wide hyphac. Stipitipellis a cutis of diverticulate hyphac. Caulocystidia flagelliform, 60-100 x 4.7 x 0.7-1.5 jim, thin-walled, only at very base sometimes slightly thick-walled. Clamp-connections present, Chemical reactions: Neither spores nor tissues amyloid or dextrinoid. Leology: Saprotrophie, growing in small groups on coniferous litter or on decorticated decayed wood of conifers, mostly (but not only) in montane regions.