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Banco de setas / seta / Psathyrella coprinoides


Psathyrella coprinoides

Diagnosis fuente: PERSOONIA - A MYCOLOGICAL JOURNAL - VOLUME 13 - PART 3 - 1987 Rijksherbarium, Leiden, The Nederlands
Cap 1-3 mm diam., hemispheric at first, becoming convex-campanulate, finally slightly expanding up to convex-plane, not umbonate, with an indistinctly crenulate margin. Cuticle apparently not hygrophanous, radially striate up to two thirds in from the margin, beige to very pale brown with orange shades, covered with a whitish, furfuraceous-granulose veil, which thins with age. Gills thin, narrow, adnexed, slightly arched, dirty white, becoming greyish. Edge even, furfuraceous. Lamellulae occasional. Stem 10-15 x 0,2-0.4 mm, cylindric, curved or wavy, enlarged at the base up to 0.6 mm, whitish, furfuraceous-floccose at first, becoming imperceptibly hairy. Context undetectable, inodorous. Spores (S.7-) 6-6.5 (-6.8) x 2.6-3.3 jum, ellipsoidal or narrowly ellipsoidal to subcylindric in frontal view (Q =1.71-2.33; Q = 2.03), slightly flattened in side view, sometimes suballantoid, smooth, pale brown, thickwalled, with a central germ pore, 1 4m diam. Basidia 10-18 x 5-7 um, claviform, 4-spored. Gill trama regular, formed of pale, parallel hyphae, 7-8 um diam. Pleurocystidia not observed. Gill edge partly fertile. Cheilocystidia lageniform, 14-30 x 5-10 jm, often with an encrusted neck, spaced out with some claviform paracystidia, 7-10 1m long. Epicutis of an intermediate structure between a pseudoparenchyma and a hymeniderm, made up of several layers of globose or broadly claviform, often short-stalked, thick-walled cells, 12.5-25 x 12-17 um, spaced out with numerous lageniform, often encrusted pileocystidia, 25-50 x 8-15 um. Caulocutis of repent, encrusted, cylindric hyphae, the outermost 2.5-3.5 uum diam., supporting numerous lageniform cystidia, 30-80 x 8-12 um, with a long, pointed neck in collection CLSM 04597. Veil formed of hyaline or ochreous, strongly encrusted, often catenulate sphaerocysts, 15-37 um diam., linked to cylindric, elongated hyphae. Clamp-connections absent. 
Ecología: fructifica sobre estiércol de animales o pastos abonados con el mismo.