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Banco de setas / seta / Psathyrella basii Kits van Wav


Psathyrella basii Kits van Wav

Diagnosis fuente :  PERSOONIA - Suplement - Vol. 2 - THE DUTCH, FRENCH AND BRITISH SPECIES OF PSATHYRELLA - 1985 E. KITS VAN WAVEREN - Rijksherbarium, Leiden, The Nederlands
Cap 2.5—10 mm, conico-convex, pale brown to pale greyish brown, translucently striate, hygrophanous, drying out to pale ochre, slightly greyish at margin. Veil on cap forming adpressed radial silvery fibrils both in very young to fairly old specimens, on stem adpressed fine fibrils. Gills 1 mm broad at first pale beige, later sordid purplish grey, slightly ventricose, adnate with tooth, with white edge. Stem up to 30 x 1 mm, cylindrical, white, hollow, with white mycelium at pale brown base. Flesh not recorded. Trama of ‘washed’ gill pale yellowish (Mu. 10 YR 7/2~7/4) from base to edge. Spore print dark purple. Spores 8-10 x 5.5—6 um (mean values 9.2 x 5.5 pm: 1 collection), ellipsoid, adaxially flattened, in water dark brown or warm brown with a trace of red (Mu. 5 YR 4/4—4/6), in NH,OH 10% darker brown (Mu. 5 YR 4/3), in KOH 5% sordid greyish brown (Mu. 10 YR5/2-5/3), not opaque, with distinct germ pore (1.8 um) and hilar appendix. Basidia 22.5—25 x 9-10 um, clavate, 4-spored. Pleurocystidia 37.5—52.5 x 10—15 um, rather few in number, ventricose-lageniform, with short and rather broad pedicel and obtuse apex, thin-walled, colourless. Marginal cells: pleurocystidioid but versiform cheilocystidia, 35—50 x 11—15 pm, moderately numerous, intermixed with abundant spheropedunculate and clavate cells, 20-25 x 10—17.5 pm; all cells thin-walled, colourless. Hymenophoral trama in NH,OH 10% sub micr. pale to very pale brown from membranal pigment, without yellow hyphal septa or encrustations. Pileipellis a 2—3 cells deep layer of subglobose, colourless cells, 15—30 pm diam.
HABITAT & DISTRIBUTION. — On culms of Phragmites and Scirpus maritimus just above waterlevel of pond in dunes. Known only from type locality.