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Banco de setas / seta / Hohenbuehelia myxotricha (Lév.) Singer


Hohenbuehelia myxotricha (Lév.) Singer

Fuente de la ficha FUNGI OF SWITZERLAND 3 J. Breitenbach/F. Kränzlin - Edition Mykologia Lucerne
Onrotten branches and stumps of hardwoods such as A/nus, Fagus,
etc. Summer-fall. Rare. Distribution: E.
Macroscopic features
Pileus 15-20(30) mm across, lingulate to spatulate or flabellate,
smooth, dull, white to pale cream-colored, somewhat light orangespotted when moist, finely white-furfuraceous when Young, later White tomentose-strigose, especially toward the stipe, margin even, somewhatsinuate. Flesh whitish, thin, spongy, toughish, gelatinous When moist, odor faintly herbaceous, taste mild, herbaceous. Lamellae Whitish to cream-coloréd, broad, L = 15-20, | = 8-12, long-decurrent, edges smooth, Stipe laterally attached, 3-10x2-4 mm, cylindric, cream-colored, finely White velutinoustomentose,
solid. Solitary to gregarious, but not imbricate.
Microscopic features
A: Spores elliptic, smooth, hyaline, 66-87x36-46 pm;, Q: 16-2.1; Vm: 67:
1=; spp. light cream-colored. B: Basidia slenderly clavate, 16-21x4.5-5,5 pr, with (2)4 sterigmata: and basal clamp. Latr. +/ regular, C: Cheilo- and pleurocystidia of two types: (C1) metuloid cystidia, apicallyins crüusted, 60-80x10-16 um; (C2) thin-walled cystidia, polymorphic, some With an apical drop, 21-30x9.5-5,5 mn,
D: Pp of parallel ia 2-4 1m across, with scattéred exserted bundiesof
hyphaë, suboutis gelatinous, septa with clamps.
Remarks This species differs from other laterally attached, white to whitish mushrooms macroscopically by the gelatinous suboutis, the white-tomentose pileal sur: face, andthe relatively small, thin-fleshed rutng bodies, as wellas mi ically primarily by the metuloids. Hohenbuehella mastrucata (Fr) Sing. perhaps be confused with it, but H. mastrucata is somewhat larger, without distinct stipe, and has a brown-strigose pileus. Our collection agrees fully-with the description of METROD (1938). More common species in the genus areH : geogenia (No. 223) and the scarcely distinguishable H. petaloides (Bull.: Fr) geogenia (No. 223) and the scarcely distinguishable H. petaloides (Bull.: Fr) Schulz. These are larger than H, myxotricha and have brown fruiting bodies

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