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Banco de setas / seta / Marasmius anisocystidiatus Antonín, Desjardin & H. Gsell


Marasmius anisocystidiatus Antonín, Desjardin & H. Gsell

Descripción original: FUNGI OF SWITZERLAND 3 - Bolets and agarics 1st partJ. Breitenbach/F. Kränzlin - Edition Mykologia Lucerne
in hardwood forests, primarily in damp beech forests, on leaf litterand small branchlets, more rarely on needles in mixed forests.Prefers calcareous soils. Summer—fall. Widespread. Distribution: E,NA.
Macroscopic features
Pileus 15-40 mm across, hemispherical when young, later planewith a suggestion of a small umbo, surface smooth, dull, even andtranslucent-striate up to half of the radius when young, later radially
wrinkled-grooved, hygrophanous, yellow-brownish when dry, beigebrownish witha brown center when moist, margin acute, crenate in age. Flesh white, thin, tough, odor faint, sometimes unpleasant, taste mild, unpleasantly rubberlike. Lamellae dingy cream-colored, broad, L = 10-15,1 = (1)3-7, adnexed to almost free, edges smooth. Stipe 30-60 x2-3 mm, cylindric, apex pale cream-colored, increasingly red-brown. below and blackish toward the base, dull, finely farinose, stiff, hollow, with cream-colored mycelium at the base. Solltary to grouped.
Microscopic features
A: Spores elliptic, smooth, hyaline, 7.7-10.1x4.2-5.8 ym; Q: 1.4-2.2; Vm; 117; | =} spp, whitish
B; Basidia clavate, 30-45x7-85 jim, with (2)4 sterigmata and basal clamp.
Latr, irregular,
C: (C1) Cheillocystidia irregularly clavate-vesicular, 22-36 10-18 jim, sometimes with nipple-shaped outgrowths; (C2) pleurocystidia cylindrica to slenderly clavate, 45-70x 5-8 jm
D: Pp hymeniform, composed of vesicular to pyriform cells 20-30x8-20 jim, interspersed with brown, thick-walled spinulae 60-90x 5-6 jm.
E: Spinulae of the stipe surface, brownish,