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Banco de setas / seta / Marasmius siccus (Schwein.) Fr.


Marasmius siccus (Schwein.) Fr.

Diagnosis original:  PERSOONIA - A MYCOLOGICAL JOURNAL - VOLUME 13 - PART 3 - 1987 Rijksherbarium, Leiden, The Nederlands
Pileus 5-25 mm broad, campanulate, conical or hemispherical, expanding with age to plano-convex, with slightly truncate, papillate or depressed centre, with deflexed or straight often crenate margin, rather strongly radially sulcate from margin almost up to centre, vividly orange to ochraceous or yellowish ochraceous (centre 5 YR 5/8, rest 7.5 YR 6—7/8, when old more like 7.5 YR—10 YR 8/4—6), minutely pruinose all over (sub lente). Lamellae (L = 10—20,1 = O—1(3)) distant, almost free, thickish, narrowly ventricose, white to cream colour (10 YR 8/6), sometimes with brownish edge, particularly in dried specimens, Stipe 15—70 x 0.2—1 mm, cylindrical, tough, pale yellow at apex, below via red brown to blackish brown at base, smooth, glabrous, shining. Context white in pileus, brown in stipe. Smell none. Taste mild. Spores 15—23 x 4—5 pum, average 16—18.5 x 4—5 uum, Q = 2.4—5, average Q = 3—S, fusiform, thin-walled. Basidia 20—30 x 5—6 ym, 4-spored, clamped. Lamella edge sterile. Cheilocystidia 8—20 x 3—10 pum, clavate to vesiculose, en brosse with numerous, 3.5—6 pum long, yellow brown excrescences. Hymenial cystidia 25—70 x 5—10 yum, clavate to fusiform or lageniform, thin-walled, with yellowish contents, scattered to fairly abundant. Subhymenium branched, made up of 2.5 zm wide hyphae. Pileipellis a hymeniderm, made up of broadly clavate to vesiculose elements ‘en brosse’ with numerous 2—7 tum long, brown-coloured finger-like excrescences in upper part. Pileocystidia absent. Pileitrama subregular to irregular, made up of 3— 10 um wide, branching, inflated hyphae. Pileitrama subregular to irregular, made up of 3— 10 um wide, branching, inflated hyphae Stipitispellis a compact cutis of brown-coloured, cylindrical, 2—7 zm wide hyphae. Stipitispellis a compact cutis of brown-coloured, cylindrical, 2—7 zm wide hyphae. Caulocystidia absent. Clamp-connections abundant. Habitat.—Gregarious on litter, sometimes on wood, in mixed boreal and subarctic
forest, usually with Betula, Alnus and Picea.