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Banco de setas / seta / Conocybe fuscimarginata (Murrill) Singer


Conocybe fuscimarginata (Murrill) Singer

Diagnosis fuente: FUNGI OF SWITZERLAND 4 - Agarics 2nd partJ. Breitenbach/F. Kränzlin - Edition Mykologia Lucerne
Solitary to gregarious on manured soil, old manure piles (not onfresh Bnanare); on old remains of straw.
Macroscopic features
Pileus 9-30 mm across, hemispherical when young, later campanulate-convex, surface smooth to finely radially veined-wrinkled, not truly hygrophanous but dingy beige to gray-beige when moist and yellowish-cream when dry, sometimes with a somewhat darker center and a tinge of salmon, dull to satiny, margin acute, the very edge with a narrow, distinctly brown-red zone. Flesh ocherbrown, thin, odor herbaceous, taste mild, herbaceous. Lamellae cream-colored when young, later cream-ocher to rust-brown, broad, L = 25-30, | = 3-5, finely adnexed, edges smooth to whitishflocculose. Stipe 40-80 x 1.5-3 mm, cylindrical, at times somewhat. Stipe 40-80 x 1.5-3 mm, cylindrical, at times somewhat enlarged toard the base, base with a suggestion of a small bulb, fragile, hollow, surface white to cream-colored, pale brown in age; especially toward the base, satiny, slightly longitudinally fibrilose.
Microscopic features
A. Spores  elliptical, smooth, rust-brown, thick-walled, with a germ pore, 10.5-12.6 x .6.3-6-7 .7 um. spp. reddish-ocher-brown.
B. Basida clavate, 21-25 x 10-12 Um, with 4 sterigmata, without a basal
C. Cheilocystidia lecythiform, 16-19 x 7-10 um, head 3.5-4.5 um across;
pleurocystidia not seen,
D. Pp hymeniform, composed of clavate cells 18-55 x 12-27 um, occasional septa with clamps.
C. Caulocystidia polymorphic, subulate to capilliform.

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