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Banco de setas / seta / Arrhenia auriscalpium (Fr.) Fr.


Arrhenia auriscalpium (Fr.) Fr.

Fuente de la foto: FUNGI OF SWITZERLAND 3 - Bolets and agarics 1st partJ. Breitenbach/F. Kränzlin - Edition Mykologia Lucerne
In sandy places almost without vegetation, among small mosses or liverworts, at alpine elevations. Summer. Not common. Distribution:
Macroscopic features
Pileus 5-10 mm across, at first erect and spoon- to hand-shaped,
later bent over.and ladie-shaped, rounded to oval, with the margin incurved for a long time, surface smooth, finely radially striate, graybrown to soot-brown with a reddish tinge, pileus merging with the stipe. Flesh brownish, without odor or taste. Lamellae in the form of
ridges, forked, with anastomoses, concolorous with the pileus, L =5-7, separated fromthe stipe by asterile zone. Stipe 5-8x0.5—-1 mm,
cylindric, somewhat enlarged toward the apex and base, laterally attached to the pileus, concolorous with the pileus, base whitish. Solitary to gregarious.
Microscopic features
A: Spores elliptic, smooth, hyaline, 7.5-10.4 x5~6 yim; Q: 1.5-1.9; Vii: 12971 -; spp. white acc. lit. B: Basidia cylindric-clavate, 23-28x6-8.5 jim, with 4 sterigmata and basal clamp. C; Cystidia not seen, D; Ppofparallel hyphae 5-14 jam across, occasional hyphal ends exsertedand somewhat flexuous, brown-incrusted, septa with clamps.