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Banco de setas / seta / Conocybe pallidospora Kühner & Watling


Conocybe pallidospora Kühner & Watling

Diagnosis fuente: FUNGI OF SWITZERLAND 4 - Agarics 2nd part J. Breitenbach/F. Kränzlin - Edition Mykologia Lucerne
Solitary to gregarious In forests, on pathsides, on grassy, mossy ground, generally on bare soil
Macroscopic features
Pileus 8-10 (15) mm across, hemispherical to campanulate when young, later campanulate to convex, surface hygrophanous, when moist smooth, silky, ocher to ocher-brownish, center somewhat darker red-brown, fading to pale ocher when dry, faintly striate when moist, margin acute. Flesh beige-brown, thin, odorless, taste mild, not distinctive. Lamellae pale brown when young, later rust to orange-brown, broad, L = 12-18, | = 3-5, ascending and narrowly adnate, edges finely floccose. Stipe 20-30 x 0.7-1 mm, cylindrical, base with a small bulb, elastic, surface beige to pale brownish, paler at the apex, increasingly brownish toward the base, the whole length powdered, especially the apex.
Microscopic features
A: Spores elliptical, smooth, +/-  thin-walled, pale brown, with an indistinct germ pore, 5.9-8.2 x 3.64.5 um; Qi 1.51.9; Vmi 61; spp, pale brown.
B: Basidia cylindrical to cylindric-clavate, 13-17 x 6-8 um, with 4 sterigmata and some with a basal clamp.
C: Cheilocystidia lecythiform, 15-20 x 7-9 um, head 2.5-4 um across; pleurocystidia not seen.
D: Pp: Hymeniform, composed of clavate to pyriform cells 20-40 x 13-30 um, hout capilliform cells, occasional septa with clamps.
E: Caulocystidia subulate to lageniform, some with along narrow neck.

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