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Banco de setas / seta / Hemimycena conidiogena Vila, P.A. Moreau & Perez De Gregorio -


Hemimycena conidiogena Vila, P.A. Moreau & Perez De Gregorio -

Descripción original
Pileus 5-15 mm, conical to conico-convex, then expanding, finally flattened, hygrophanous,translucently striate, purely white, then tinged yellow or ochre at centre, smooth. Lamellaeadnate, distant, thickish, white then with faint yellow or ochre tinges. Stipe 15-25 x 1-2 mm, eylindrical, white, hyaline, finely pruinose all over. Spores (9.0) 10-12.5 (13) x 3.5-4.5 (5.0) um, fusiform, often in tetrads. Basidia 4-spored, Cheilocystidia18-30 x 5.5-7.0 pm, scattered among basidia, tibiiform with distinet, rounded capitulum. Pleurocystidia absent. Pileipellis a cutis of repent hyphae with scattered to more or less abundant digitate diverticulate, which form rounded blastoconidia, Stipitipellis similar, Clamp-connecetions present, Ecology: in Mediterrancan Cistus vegetation.