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Banco de setas / seta / Phlebiopsis amethystea (Hjortstam & Ryvarden) R.S. Chikowski & C.R.S. Lira


Phlebiopsis amethystea (Hjortstam & Ryvarden) R.S. Chikowski & C.R.S. Lira

Original description

Basidioma resupinate to effused-reflexed, up to 2 mm thick, reflexed part up to 2 cm long, pliable. Upper side tomentose, zonated, grayish-brown with purple tints when fresh, especially at the margin (Fig. 3a, b), becoming dull and paler when drying, and purple hues fading or disappearing completely. Hymenophore brownish with purple tints, homogenous or with patches of different hues of brown and purple, purple color more evident towards the margin, becoming grayish and the purple tints slightly fading when drying (Fig. 3c); smooth or with scattered, irregular projections. After drying, hymenophore may crack, exposing a darker context (Fig. 3d). Hyphal system dimitic or pseudo-dimitic. In section basidioma composed by tomentum, context, subhymenium and hymenium. Generative hyphae thin-walled to thick-walled with a narrow lumen, regularly simple-septate, mostly straight, branching sparsely in the tomentum and context and richly branched in the subhymenium, hyaline to brownish yellow, 3-5 μm in diameter. Skeletal thick walled to solid, up to 5 μm in diameter, pale yellow to brownish, rarely hyaline. Most skeletal hyphae originating at the context, projecting downwards into the subhymenium and hymenium, few projecting upwards and composing the tomentum. Subhymenium and hymenium composed of yellow and brownish hyphae, in a somewhat loose structure. Cystidia of three types. Thick-walled skeletal hyphae projecting into, but not above the hymenium, as obtuse or acuminate skeletocystidia, yellow to brown, up to 7 μm wide, rare. Originating from the context, several thick walled metuloids with a variable cover of crystal, some completely encrusted with large, hyaline crystals, other only at the tip or completely naked, dark brown, originating from the context, mostly embedded in the subhymenium, rarely the tip projecting above the hymenium, 40-140 x 9-14 μm (Fig. 3g). A third type originates from the hymenium, slightly thick walled, pale yellow to brownish yellow, often covered by scattered hyaline crystals, rarely densely encrusted or smooth, 33-60 x 9-11 μm (Fig. 3e). This last type of cystidia is only present in specimens with a hymenial layer. Basidia clavate, thin-walled, with four sterigma, yellowish, 25-35 x 4-6 μm, with a simple septum at the base. Spores ellipsoid, smooth, thin-walled, rarely found, 5-7 x 3-4 μm, IKI-, CB-.