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Banco de setas / seta / Scopuloides rimosa (Cooke) Jülich


Scopuloides rimosa (Cooke) Jülich

Description type: Culture description

PHANEROCHAETE RIMOSA (Cooke) Burds. Mats white, thin to moderately thin, around inocula appressed to slightly raised, subfelty to arachnoid, then becoming slightly raised to raised, arachnoid to cottony toward margins at 2 wk, by 6 wk white to Reed Yellow, thin to moderately thin, appressed and subfelty or slightly raised and arachnoid, freshly isolated cultures also developing white to Sulphur Yellow fertile areas, these composed of tiny teeth in scattered, grandinioid patches; margins even, appressed, fimbriate or not; odor absent or sweet at 2 wk, absent at 6 wk; agar unchanged, bleached or stained yellow at 2 and 6 wk; fresh cultures fruiting by 6 wk. MEA (74-)90+; 90+; GAA + or ++++, 0 ; TAA - or +, 0; TyA brown or yellow,(51-)72-90+;90+ Microscopic characters: Marginal hyphae 4.5-7(-14) µm diam, initially thin walled, becoming slightly thick walled to thick walled by 2 wk, with double or multiple clamps, sparsely to moderately branched, often branches arising opposite or from clamps. Submerged hyphae 2-5.5 µm diam, thin walled to slightly thick walled, simple septate, moderately branched. Aerial hyphae 2.5-6(-7.5) µm diam, thin walled to slightly thick walled, simple septate with scattered single, double, or multiple clamps, moderately branched; some hyphae forming microscopic strands, these up to 45 µm diam. Sexuality: Presumed homothallic (Brown 1935, p. 657 as Odontia hydnoides). Cultural descriptions: Boidin (1958a, p. 236 as Odontia hypnoides (Cooke & Massee) Höhn.). Species code: (1). 2.5. 7. 32. 36. (38). (39). (40). 42-43. (48). (50).54.55. (57). Remarks: Phanerochaete rimosa, also known as Phlebia hydnoides (Cooke & Massee) M. Chr., is found on angiospermous and gymnospermous wood and is widely distributed throughout North America (Brown 1935; Miller & Boyle l943; Conners 1967; Shaw l973; Gilbertson & al. 1974; Martin & Gilbertson 1977; Burdsall 1985; Ginns 1986a). It is associated with a white rot (Lindsey & Gilbertson 1978; Ginns 1986a). Phanerochaete rimosa is similar to E. gigantea and related species in culture (Table 12). Cultures of P. rimosa often deteriorate when maintained on malt syrup agar. These cultures are slow growing with sodden mats, stain the agar dark yellow, and do not develop multiple clamps.