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Banco de setas / seta / Gymnopilus purpureosquamulosus Høil.


Gymnopilus purpureosquamulosus Høil.

Diagnosis original 
Pileus 5-7 cm latus, convexus vel umbilicatus, squamulosus, albo-Juteus vel bubalinus, squamis adpressis, purpureis. Lamellae decutrentes, subflavo-aurantiacae. Suipes 4-7 x 0.6-1 cm, infirme clavatus, ffbrillosus, pallide rabellus, annufo membranaceo, Caro aibo-lutea vel pallide bubalina, leniter amara. Sperae {7,5)-8.2520.40-(9) x (5)- aibo-lutea vel pallide bubalina, leniter amara. Sperae {7,5)-8.2520.40-(9) x (5)- 5,240.24-(5.5) um, ovoideae vel ellipsoideac, verrucosac. Fructificationes solitariae vel paucae ligno carioso insidens.
Holotype: L. Ryvarden and K. Hgiland GZ 4, Zimbabwe, North Matabeleland, Victoria Falls, 29 Jan. 1992 (0).
Pileus 5-7 cm broad, convex to concave with a central depression, scaly with appressed squamules, specially on centre, ground colour whitish yellow to pale buff, the squamules reddish violet (somewhat like Cortinarius bolaris, but more violet). Lamellae adnate-decurrent to decurrent, yellow brown, then orange red brown. Stipe4-7 x 0.6-1 cm, somewhat clavate, fibrillose, pale red, more red towards the base, with a harrow, membraneous, pale buff ring. Context whitish yellow to pale buff, with an astringent, weakly bitter taste.
Basidiospores (7.5)-8.2540,40-(9) x (5)-5.240.24-(5,5) pm, ellipsoid to ovoid, coarsely verrucose to punctate, dextrinoid, yellow brown. Basidia 18-27 x 7-8 jam, four sterigmata. Chetlocystidia 16-20 x 5-9 (broadest part) jim, ventricose-rostrate with a clavate, rounded or globose apex, 4-5.5 ym broad, hyaline. Pleurocystidia not seen.Hyphae of epicutis 3-17 pm broad, hyaline and smooth to weakly red brown with zebra-striped incrustation, Hyphae of squamules 3-13 pm broad, red brown with zebrastriped incrustation, in dense fascicles. Clamp connections present.
Chemistry: Hispidin and traces of bis-noryangonin.
Ecology: Very scattered on decaying hard-wood on the ground in lush, mist riparian forest. Only few (1-5) basidiocarps on each occurrence.