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Banco de setas / seta / Conocybe magnispora (Murrill) Singer


Conocybe magnispora (Murrill) Singer

Diagnosis fuente:
     Pileus 4.0–15.0 mm, at fi rst campanulate or conical-campanulate, later hemispherical, slightly pubescent, soon glabrous, at fi rst orange-brown or yellowish brown, later greyish ochraceous-brown, at margin paler, hygrophanous, transclucently striate to 1/2 radius and more, on drying becoming pale ochraceous. Lamellae narrowly adnate to nearly free, rather crowded (L = 23–28, l = 1–3), ventricose, up to 1.5 mm wide, at fi rst ochraceous, later brownish orange to rust-brown, with concolorous fi nely fl occulose edge. Stipe 15.0–25.0 ×1.0–1.5 mm, cylindrical with clavate base, hollow, slightly pruinose, later nearly glabrous, whitish, later pale yellowish to ochraceous. Flesh in pileus up to 0.5 mm wide, whitish to pale yellowish, in stipe pale ochraceous. Taste and smell indistinct. Spore-print light rustbrown.
      Spores 12.5–17.0(–18.0) × 8.0–10.5 μm (n = 20), Q = 1.59–1.85; av. L = 15.3±1.16 μm, av. B = 9.0±0.58 μm, av. Q = 1.7±0.08; in front view ovate, narrowly ovate and ellipsoid, in side view ellipsoid, somewhat fl attened ventrallys or slightly amygdaliform, germ-pore up to 2.5 μm wide, thick-walled, pale yellow-brown in water, orange-brown in alkali. Basidia 24.0–31.0 × 12.5–14.0 μm, clavate, 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 18.0–22.0 × 6.0–10.5 μm, lecythiform, neck up to 4.5 × 2.5 μm, head 3.5–5.5 μm wide. Pleurocystidia absent. Pileocystidia not recorded. Caulocystidia of two types: a) 12.0–20.0 × 6.0–9.5 μm, globose, globose-clavate, clavate, utriform and lageniform, numerous; b) hair-like, up to 70.0 × 2.0 μm, scattered. Pileipellis hymeniform, cosisting of sphaeropedunculate and pyriform cells12.0–28.0 μm wide. Clamp connections present. Ammoniacal reaction absent.
Habitat and distribution. Solitary and in small groups on dung (cow, horse), in forests and grasslands (meadows, pastures), in autumn.